
Prammed Down

There I was minding my own business at Knox food court with Kiel (whilst talking to Kate, Chris & Luke from work/work/school&work) who we'd just bumped into, when SCREECH! CRASH! BANG! A man with a pram runs over my foot! My thong is dislodged and comes to settle in its place on the ground in slow motion. A look of anguish appears on my face and...

Okay maybe that's a little dramatic and a smidge exaggerated. And I may or may not have been sticking my foot back out behind me kinda wildly as a precursor to the event. BUT, the point remains: I was run over by a pram. This is quite an accomplishment I think. Not quite sure that it will serve to help me in any bragging rights but it might be a good one for that "I never..." drinking game. Yeah, I'm set. :)

I wonder if the little baby who was inside will develop a taste for running things down now? Probably not. Although I am thankful the baby didn't rocket out of the pram because of the impact, resulting in someone having to do a desperate lunge-save-catch.

And it was all cool, the man quickly apologised to me and I did the same. At least he didn't pram-hit and run. :P When I turned back to my friends it was a little embarrassing, but hey, what are ya gonna do? Besides stand like a normal person, that is.

Dale... has learned his lesson.


Paul said...

Why was this worth mentioning? And why do you name drop?

Anonymous said...


Awww, someone's upset he didn't get his name mentioned! I'd say who but I don't want to name drop...

Anonymous said...

If I had a pram I would run you down with it.

Dale said...

Not all blogs have to meaningful and about religion/cults or whatnot Paul. :P I mean come on - you blogged about fluro clothing! I'm alerting the world to the hidden dangers of prams.

Luke, enjoyable as always. :)

Na... I'm sure you would. However it would be fruitless because I now have an early warning radar system that alerts me to oncoming prams. It's called my peripheral vision lol.

Thanks guys!