
Inspired by "The Monkey's Mask"

Wrote it last year at uni, for no particular reason. Was just bored, and I should have posted it on here then, but meh. This is something only one other person has seen. Let's see if he remembers... :P


It's tearing at my innards
A rake's sharpened prongs clawing every surface
The rash worsens with every dig into my skin
Get off! Go away!

Like a vampire - without a soul
No guilt, no remorse
Nothing to fear from oneself
A life without looming consequences
Or nagging thoughts
Or doubt

It used to be fuzzy
Just cold now
Coldness in every face
All seem to know - to chastise with eyes of scorn
Revert, revert, revert!
It's flimsy

A mental voyage completely
To the depths, the recesses
Probing down narrow
Peripherals disregarded
Blind to chasing light from above
Selectively unselectively blind

There is not a real me
Core values?
Faithful disintegration?
It will all go undocumented by the world
Tragedy spurns

Because quietly I'll fall -
You didn't see that coming
Neither did my old I's
Get some perspective!
Awaken from ignorance



Dale said...

The "worsening rash" line was completely unrelated as back then I didn't have it! Weeeeeeirdd.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Maybe you're like that Heroes guy that paints the future except you, um, poetry it. *Reads over poem* Ok, let's hope you're not like guy...

Haha, I *do* remember it. I thought it was inspired by a song you downloaded that day tho... :p Gee, months later and you still can't think up a name for the poor poem.

I can't remember what I said about it then, but just refer to that as I'm sure it was no doubt insightful and wise. :)

Paul said...

I read something inspiring today.