
"Only you can't drink photos."

The last thing I wrote began with a description of a resilient ant. It was happening before me and it helped me get started. It loosed my mind and the words flowed out onto the page. The immediate external environment inspired me. It never used to be so. I used to be able to call to mind an issue that was in the news, or (more frequently) something that had happened to me or affected me in some way. More of a mental thing. I’ve written this before, just in other words. I need to focus because my writing mind seems thick with a dense, foggy-like fog. I need to “re-ignite the passion” (said with South American accent). I need to stop thinking in clichés!

I wrote in my little black book while I was away at Rye. And no, my little black book doesn’t contain any dirty secrets, it just so happens that my notebook is smallish and the complete opposite of white. So there’s no point in trying to steal it for purposes like blackmail or popularity-inducing gossip. Because I know that’s what you were thinking. Besides, I keep it in a wooden box with a padlock on it, so you’d need bolt-cutters to get into that box. And procuring those would require effort and planning and we both know it’s not worth it. Unless I’m just pretending to keep my little black book containing no secrets in the aforementioned wooden box with padlock.

Game, set, and match. :)



Dale said...

I realise I didn't really finish the thought that started the second paragraph - kind of got lost along the way of my... whatever you'd call what I did. Oh well. :)

Jimzip said...

Ah! You're on to me! I'll return the bolt-cutters I swear, right after I hunt down that man in the iron mask, I've been wanting to get him out of that thing for god-knows how long..
In other news, I also keep a journal - in fact I've got seven, and indeed, one of those is black...
Coincidence?! I think not! (Wow this comment went bogus faster than SNL..)

Jimzip :D

Anonymous said...

*Waves* Send me some reading material!

Oh how I enjoy being RSS subscribed to you Dale. It means I don't even have to check up on you..or your blog!

Good luck in all your passion igniting endeavours ;)

Love Na.

P.s. You're not the only one writing things. Oh you'll see...

Anonymous said...

Haha, I wouldn't stress... I think your writing-mind fog may have a little something to do with having fun being on holidays. I'm sure it'll all return when you actually need to sit down and write. (Best cure for writer's block is writing. Next best is a deadline.) Plus, your text messages have been entertaining.

PS. This message has just been written to distract you while I read through your little black book. :p

Jesicka309 said...

ummmmm... i don't get ur post.
am i stupid, or is that intentional

Dale said...

7 journals jim(zip)? And it *was* you who I suspected would attempt such a crazy heist-like shenanigan. I've heard stories... :P

Nathan, ominous...

Luke, thanks. :) And you gave me that book so you have permission to read it. The effort you went to distracting me was moot lol.

Jess, no it didn't really have a point. There was nothing really to get. More a reflection of where my head was at. (And after I'd watched desperate housewives...)

Thanks heaps!

AdamMac said...

Good to see that you're beginning to draw inspiration from all different places, it takes a pretty good writer to do that :P

Also loving the new blog layout, although the black makes it look a tad emo :P