
My Story-Blog (Official Announcement)

It's pretty much been splashed across the headlines of every newspaper in Victoria, but the project entitled "Creepy Lamingtons" is, in fact, a story-blog a la Ashton X. It's called Voyeur.

I wanted to get a few entries done before I went public lol. I hope you all give it a go - any feedback would be awesome.


In other news, the title 'Creepy Lamingtons' has inspired a short story by Luke (the very author of Ashton X). It has a killer twist and I highly recommend it.


"Normal" entries will resume on here shortly, but until then - check out dem links ya'll! [Which reminds me - I actually heard someone say "youse", as in the plural version of you, lately. It was... an experience. Maybe more on this issue later].




Anonymous said...

I must say I'm really enojying the story so far. But enough about that. Interesting to see you now have footytips.com.au on your links. I think we should all visit that site and click on the option to see the top 50 tippers and admire these insanely talented people who almost seem to be able to glimpse the future. They are today's true heroes.

Random visitor

Jimzip said...

Uh... wtf? That's all I have to say to you, 'anonymous'..

Anyway, I'm heading over to voyeur now, (I read the first entry at work yesterday... but ne'er a comment was posted!). Posts will happen, feathers will be ruffled, I love stories!!
I also find it ironic that the story that inspired your story has inspired the original author to write a story about your story..

Jimzip :D