

One experience can change a person very much.

My latest such experience was on Saturday night at about midnight, when I had my first ride in a police car. I was in the passenger seat, with an off duty police officer. A new friend.

We went into the city for a late night snack, and policy dictated that he have his police radio on. I'd seen on the news the violence that happens in the CBD, but had convinced myself such incidences were infrequent and played up by the media. I'd never seen anyone bleeding on the streets, I'd never seen a gang fight, or a rape.

I was ignorant to all of these things.

Listening to dispatch reporting glassing after glassing, a brawl, a sexual assault, an attacked taxi driver and people passed out on sidewalks all over the city opened my eyes.

It prompted me to ask him a lot of questions, the most pressing however, "do you still have faith in people?"

After a while he shook his head and said, "I spend my time dealing with bad people, or the bad situations. It's uncommon for a policeman to see good."

It made me realise that there are jobs, and then there are jobs with responsibility. There are people, and there are extraordinary people. It shook me up. Jolted me awake from whatever coma it was I'd been in.

I want to be good. I want to do good.


Luke Davidson said...

Pfft! You were hardly dr evil before you went on the police ride. :P I'm sure you do good in millions of little ways you don't even realise (and a in a few ways that you do). But yeah, you really should stop murdering hookers... :p

Jimzip said...

:( Sad to hear him say that. I'm sure it's an extremely tough situation to be in, but at the end of the day I hope there is some solace in the fact that he himself is doing good, or trying to do good, and many others like him are doing the same. Meeting you was also probably refreshing for him that night.

But yah, like Luke said you aren't quite a picture of malevolence yourself kid (I have to start getting in first with the comments haha). It is certainly a new perspective on things though. That's always interesting.

Jimzip :D