
My Stories - Untitled (unfinished)


"Hello dude," my Mum said peering her head into my room.
"Hi." Dude?
"What are you doing lying on your bed like that?" she asked me.
I was sprawled on my bed facing my window. I rolled over and looked up at her, "Thinking," I replied distantly.
Her head disappeared and I heard her footsteps going back down the stairs.
I had been thinking. Thinking about writing something - a story probably, a story that doesn't seem to leave anything out, like my others.
"You can use the computer now," my brother told me unwillingly. Mum probably forced him to, I'd been waiting for a while.
"I don't want to anymore," I said back to him. "Thanks anyway."
"Okay then." He seemed pleased about my decision, his face lit up again and he ran enthusiastically back down the stairs, no doubt to the computer.

I managed to get up off my bed, walk over to the door and close it, then walk over to my bookshelf. I was unusually lethargic today. I picked up 'The Other Side of Dawn' by John Marsden and remembered how well told that story was. From book one I was enthralled...
I picked up Philip Pullman's third book in his 'Dark Materials' trilogy, 'The Amber Spyglass'. I thought back to the adventure I'd followed Lyra and Will on, and how it ended...
I put the two books back in their rightful positions. Two great authors, two great series'. I wonder if I could ever - no I couldn't. But that doesn't mean I can't try.


I looked out my window again. Out of the entire house I have the best view. My thoughts wandered back to the fireworks I'd seen last night. They were amazing.
I closed my eyes and noticed that my radio was still on. I must have forgotten about it while I'd been lying on my bed for God knows how long.

Today is different to other days, well that's what it feels like to me. I must be going a bit crazy. I haven't been the same lately, not even the Christmas spirit has shaken me out of this dull mood. I don't know if anything will. I saw my friends yesterday; I went bowling with them and had a good time. I was alive again, but still there was something missing.

Fifteen. That's how old I am.


Dale said...

Every Monday I'm going to post some of my old stories which I've recently all grouped together in the one folder. They didn't amount to as much as I would have liked...

I was actually 15 when I wrote this, which means 2002 during Year 9 most likely. Can't remember where it was going.

Anonymous said...

'Dude?' Hahaha. So you could always write. I'm impressed. I was saying to Paul before I find it funny you considered accounting. Now I find it even funnier. :p It made me all nostalgic to look back at earlier stuff I've written. Here's a sample: I like food. Chocalate is a food. But sometimes its a drink. I like it both. I am 22.

You might have me slightly beat...

Shall look forward to mondays... well, not dread them quite as much anyway.