
What is it about blood sucking?

Elongated canine teeth, strange vocal intonations, monstrous gothic castles, and amusing old-fashioned words have inspired me. I didn't think that a 19th century novel would be the source, let alone 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker, let alone a Literature text!, but it has and I'm feeling the vibe again. The juices are a-flowin'. Almost to the point of starting a serial story like my friend Luke has done with Ashton X. [Sidenote: Ashton X and Dracula are similar in that they both are told with diary-like recollections of events. Hmm... fascinating. Yet at the same time, not so.] Unsure as to whether I'll also adopt that method of story-telling. We shall just have to wait and see what happens in that regard.

Now, by posting my intentions I know that I leave myself open to a verbal barrage of abuse that will rain down upon me if I don't follow through with this, so I'm hoping that will help me stick to my word. Hoping. Taking my pet birds hostage would probably be a bit extreme, but a little forceful encouragement might be required.

Off to another tute I go. Perhaps inspiration will strike!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOO!!! I'm excited. You better write it now [whatever it is] or I'll... I'll... do something bad! So get to work - if inspiration doesn't strike you, I might. :P

[Sidenote: I chose the diary-like style because it meant any grammar/spelling mistakes would be Ashton's not mine. Genius! Wonder if Bram had the same thought...]