
The Wise Gentleman's Resolution

It's poetry week here at The Daley News (reading it for literature and posting it on here justifies calling it poetry week). Now a direct comparison can be made between this and the previous poem - which do you think I should have submitted? Thanks avid readers! Dale.

The Wise Gentleman arose,

Buttoned his jacket,

For protection,

Against the harsh, chilling wind,

Amongst other things.

His bones ached,

Weary and well used.

His mind wondered,

What was to come.

His smile faded,

As the wind blew fiercer.

The Wise Gentleman sat down again,

To reminisce,

As much as to rest,

And to wait,

Until it was easier to go.

He needed the sun,

Some encouragement,

Some warmth,

But the clouds were thick,

Bereft of sympathy.

No matter,

His memories would warm him,

And his faithful old heart.

The Wise Gentleman closed his eyes,

Marvelled at his fortune,

Thankful for his blessed life.

Yet there was still more,

He knew.

Unlike many his age,

He looked forward,



The Wise Gentleman awoke,

Not where he had been.


Strangers busying themselves around him,

An unfamiliar numbness.

The Wise Gentleman smiled,

His eyes filled with tears.

He’d had a glimpse,

And it was beautiful.

He could wait for it,

But he wouldn’t.

He’d go on living,

Not waiting,

For what was ahead,

To inevitably come.

The Wise Gentleman walked,

Into the sun again,




He buttoned his jacket,

And ignored the wind.


Paul said...

Im a gonna say this one, considering you cant change it now, and you will be shitty i didn't tell you that two years ago.

Is that really how you thought the wise gentleman looked?

Jesicka309 said...

i would say that the gentleman became wiser at the end of the poem, do you agree?
i like this one better. ur better at conveying a story better than a particular emotion lol. i hear ur going to valedictory? will see u there!
haha catchya keep posting

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll be frustrating and say that I think 'The Wise Gentleman' was the better of the two poems in my opinion. However, I enjoyed the other one more for purely subjective reasons. (I guess it's kind of like how you could realise Citizen Kane is better than Bring it on - yet I can't help but enjoy Bring it on more. Oh dear, I just compared your writing to Bring it on. Please don't hate me!) I'm going to go now before I dig any deeper. :)