
So far...

In this journal entry I was going to talk about first impressions of my fellow classmates, but after thinking about it, I decided it wouldn't be the right thing to do. It's too early to pass judgement on people. I would hate to think that people would already have pre-conceived notions of what they think I am like and have classified as me as either uninteresting/friend-worthy two tutes in.

What I will say is that I am very much enjoying this course. Commerce last year... don't get me started. It was the epitome of dullness (looks like I'm starting anyway!). I had practically no motivation because of the course content. However this year I'm finding, already, that I look forward to coming to uni - the lectures interest me, the homework/study isn't a chore - and feel a more overall sense of contentment with everything. Going to work (at McDonald's) even seems less arduous. Now that is something!

Super-duper happy with my decision to change courses at this point in time. Now to get started on that fictional story... Not sure how I'll approach it in terms of style/structure and content (even genre!) but something will come. I'm not worried about that. Let's just hope what does come is good enough.

Finished rambling now!



Anonymous said...

Super lol at 'possibly better than mx.' Good for you (doing your writings), I'll have to be content with educating our youth in the ways of writing etc. And whilst I'm not really demonstrating any real linguistic prowess in this comment, I think we all know who is the true master of the written word. Perhaps I may start a blog :P to appease my desire to write, or at the very least whinge.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Crazy new look site! Looks awesome. :) Dig the grim reaper. "Possibly better than mX" you say. Hmmm, you'll have more competition from mX next Wednesday...;)

Enjoyed the short story(previous blog). Felt like Paul Jennings but without the twist. (Yes, I was hoping for a twist.) :P

It remind me of when my parents lived overseas and I had to look after my sister. She left a bowl of soup under her bed. I left it there to see how long it took until she put in the dishwasher. I cracked at week three. It was a shade of green I'd never seen before and you couldn't move the spoon!

Glad you're liking the course. To help you spot my brother: he's taller than me, has dirt blonde hair, name's Trent and older than me. Oh! And he has my surname. :P

Yay for long blog comments! And to think, I only wrote to test out using the name Lucas.


Dale said...

Haha, thanks Nathan, or do you now prefer to be addressed only as 'the true master of the written word'? :P
Yeah start a whinge blog.. You could call is Whinge-aholics AnoNAmous. Hey, that was reasonably clever... Maybe my wit is making a slow return after all.

Glad you like my new template Lucas McGee (figured I gave you a new first name so you may as well have a last name too!)
So I can't display your ad on my humble little blog next Tuesday so that I can get one up on those mx people? Nah it's ok, I'll get em back somehow...
If I actually thought about it, I could probably have come up with a twist, but I was lazy so I stuck to a near-accurate account of how it ended... Three weeks? Okay, remind me never to live with your sister. Ever. :)
Trent, and your last name. Cool. I'll be on the lookout.

Thanks both of you,
