
Return of the Jedale.

I am making a triumphant and dramatic return to the wondrous virtual land that is blogging! Celebrate...




Now! :)

Recently-ish I've been lazy and completely overrun with assignments that I conveniently left until the last minute. You will receive evidence of such an assignment in a post I will make later tonight - I'm planning to post the specified short story (the continuation of the book 'Disgrace' by JM Coetzee focalised through the main character's daughter) which I had to write (including a critical appendix, which I won't post because it just describes my narratives aims and links to the text and isn't all that interesting) for ALL101 Literary Studies. I promise I don't go so crazy with the brackets and side comments in my story. I could also post my ALW117 Writing for Professional Practice essay on communication and language, however it is too long and not really blog-worthy (it's about the social revolution that is being caused by mobile phones and the ramifications for communication processes and the English language). Brackets again, I'm sorry!

I've been very entertained by the recent flow of comments on my blog...

At 4:52 PM, jesicka said...
u think too much
luv jess

At 10:16 AM, Paul said...
A writer would write something within 7 days...

At 11:41 AM, sharyn~ann said...
how accurate are dream interpretations?
bc the other week i had a crazy dream about a tiger mauling me to death. what the hell does that mean?

At 9:52 PM, jesicka said...
so long....
since last post.....


the daley news isnt very daley

or daily

tut tut

At 4:35 PM, Paul said...
A writer would write something within 17 days...

At 1:40 PM, Lucas said...
Dear "Daley" News,

It's too bad your parents didn't name you "Month". :P

At 11:33 PM, Paul said...
I wonder whether dale thinks it’s sad that he gets more comments for not posting, than he does on the actual content of his posts... 7 comments and only one loosely referencing the post :P

I want to hear a story about a pregnant white South African lesbian living in rural South Africa where there are no gyms.

At 11:01 AM, jesicka said...
has dale died or something? and just no1 bothered 2 tell me? coz it seems his life is on standstill.......

hmmmmmmmmm or maybe dales life is just so boring that he has nothing 2 tell us?
(im speaking to other commenters as it seems dale never uses this thing!)

At 1:24 PM, Lucas said...
jesicka, maybe we're all part of some sick experiement like his toothpaste experiment. He's just waiting to see how long it takes until we crack and start writing the blog for him.

At 1:35 PM, Paul said...
Suppose ill crack first luke: (its easier than writing on mine :P)

This story is called: 'A Second Chance' ....

Paul's latest one he just made then. You sure are fond of displaying my work (that story in particular) at every opportunity you get, Paul! Think that's the second time you've posted it on my blog. And you're getting your wish about hearing the voice of the South African woman who I was for the majority of yesterday and the day before. Lucky you!

Jess - I'm still alive. *Checks pulse* Yep, still living! I'll try not to make you endure the hardship of going for an extended period of time without reading about me or my incredibly and spectacularly interesting and amazing life.

Lucas - You were not part of some experiment (or were you? :P). And I don't believe my parents contemplated calling me month... However I do know that I was almost a "Niall", which would have made coming up with a catching blog title near impossible (besides possibly playing with the concept of rivers).

Sharyn-ann - Lol. :)

Thanks for being patient (most of you!).

Prepare yourself for stuff.


1 comment:

Paul said...

It was an experiment! He cracked as soon as i posted, the only reason why i keep posting that one is because it’s the only one i have electronically. Wouldn’t want to type one out now would i...