
Two Objects and the Space Between Them

  1. It was too hot to wear on my wrist so I detached it and put it on the table before me. It left an imprint on my skin, I noticed, which was now cooling off. I look at it; silver and blue, mostly, with luminescent glow-in-the-dark indicators. It didn't seem like three o'clock, but it rarely lied to me. And it wouldn't surprise me if time had escaped under its watch. My watch's watch.
  2. It was a little smudged - surely not by my fingers though - and there were tiny specks of white clustered toward the basin side of it; escapee spittle from tooth-brushing. I ponder why I take pictures of myself in front of it. The sight I see is never the same as what my camera produces; never as pleasing anyway.
  3. I stop watching my watch and I'm 21. I stop looking at myself in the mirror and my hair grows, or I have a pimple somewhere new, or I need to shave again. I can't be doing both at the same time; I shouldn't be hung up on doing either. They are different ways of blinding myself. Time is infinite, just not for me. I will have a physical form, just not forever, or one I will always be conscious of...


Anonymous said...

So, two objects that both show the passing of time, and your relationship with time... I like the rhythm of the writing. Not sure whether I 100% grasped what you're saying or not - so I'm not going to shut up before I make a total fool of myself!

Paul said...

His trying to rip off that movie... umm stranger than fiction.

I liked that.

Jesicka309 said...

i liek stranger than fiction!

dale.....wow u r twenty one!
ur really old :p

Dale said...

I liked stranger than fiction too! Although I think it dragged a bit as it got towards the end...

And I'm not 21 yet Jess, I've got a whole lengthy month before that happens.

New post soon!

Jimzip said...

Hey, your writing is better than mine - and a hell of a lot better than 'akinogal's'. "See Please Here", though a fine example of Yoda speak, is not English. It is a mere jumble of words that seems to convey a message, then leads you to spam. Much like the 'canned food' sign in a supermarket actually...
Did you by chance catch my comment a few posts down? Unlike a supermarket sign or Akinogal's treachery, it will lead you to some damned good times!
As for my comments on this post.. I'll have to read it again before I delve into that. ;)

Jimzip :D

Dale said...

thanks people. :)
[and yes jim, I shall go there now for some of those damned good times you spoke of!]