
They giveth and they taketh away...

I feel a little lost some days. My world has been changed, my routines interrupted. So far I am surviving, but it’s only day three. The unthinkable has happened: I am without Foxtel.

This means that I’m also without...

  • Kyle XY and the incredibly ignorant Treger family
  • “Dinosaur George” Blasing and the other imaginative palaeontologists of Jurassic Fight Club
  • The pretty and scandalous youths of Gossip Girl
  • Heidi Klum and the interesting fashion designers battling it out on Project Runway
  • The deliciously competitive chefs of Top Chef
  • The occasionally interest-piquing documentaries of the channels starting with 6
  • A few other programs which I’m too ashamed to admit watching!

My parents decided to suspend our subscription for two months. So we still have the box and the remote, but it doesn’t work. Even if you try tricking it into working... The timing of their decision was interesting; my final university commitment for the year had been handed in just two days prior. I’m yet to ascertain whether this is a blessing in disguise, but I have a hunch that it may be.

So far the short-term side effects include an increase in aimless confused wandering about the house, increased internet use, increased novel reading, and increased addiction to Warhammer. Hopefully the long-term side effects will include less aimless confused wandering and more activation of my imagination. A chance to do some serious reading, write that spec script or pilot, or continue Mehico. Not to mention increased exercising and socialising!

So goodbye, Foxtel. Please stop beckoning to me alluringly from beneath the TV...



Paul said...

umm who actually watches tv on a tv anymore? I have foxtel with all those channels you miss and so much more and besides from when I have people around I never go near it. The nature of viewing has drastically changed, people on record increasing numbers have decided that they don't want their viewing to be sheduled, and as such many of the major American tv stations now legally broadcast there shows over the net after they air.

Quit your bitching and point your browser to sidereel.

Ps: do your parents want you spending less time at home? I mean really, if you can't watch tv wouldn't they realise you would just go to brentons and spend even less time with them.

Luke! said...

Seriously, let me introduce you to a friend of mine. We haven’t known each other long, but since I got to Canada, he’s been there relieving me of my stress, and successfully providing tools to adequately distract me from more important studies. He has such a variety of tv shows, and its streamed, so it doesn’t show up on ones download usage at the University of Windsor… it was indeed a blessing.

Through that, I have seen all available blissfully ignorant episodes of the Treger family (I was addicted to it…now I’m addicted to the blissfully naive Greek). With all this available to you, it would be like…foxtel never went away… you’re life doesn’t have to change a single bit.

Although…come to think of it… the idea of more of your writing, well that does make me a little happy (not so much in the pants though, I mean its good, but it’s no erotica is it?). But I’ll give you this, amazing life-saving link… http://www.free-tv-video-online.info/internet/
And you can do with that…what you like… :P

Welcome to Creepy Lamingtons: home to a mix of strange stories and articles that hopefully won't leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. said...

It is better to have had Foxteled and lost than never to have have had Foxteled at all.

ps. Looking at the shows you admit to watching - I'm a little worried about the shows you don't admit to. :p

Jimzip said...

Haha. Yeah. Believe it or not, I don't have TV. I mean, I have a wii, and a tv, but they get very little use, and the TV isn't even hooked up. The only shows I watch I get from... other sources. ;)

The above link is helpful, and Paul's right, it's time to ditch the box and get your episodic jollies online. 'Tis the era!

Luke, you're also right, it's better to have Foxteled and lost, than never to have Foxteled at all... now you have your brain back Dale, use it! :)

Jimzip :D

Dale said...

Thanks Paul, sounds like a feature article in the making...

Luke! I am forever indebted to you. :)

Lukeas, America's Next Top Model is just the beginning...

Jimzip, my brain has felt a bit more energetic lately... Perhaps you're right. I wonder if we could make a smarter world by taking cable tv away from everyone?

It just feels strange to me; watching tv or movies on computer screens. Sitting on a couch in front of a tv, with powerful remote in hand, just has a more relaxed, absorbing feel about it. I dunno, maybe I'll adapt, or maybe I'll just get one of those cables that connect laptops to tv's... Hmm, problem solved. :)

Kyle said...

The Daley News hasn't been so daily anymore :( lol

PS I can't help but laugh at your previous post about your short script assignment.

The following really do apply to me -- straaaaaaange:

He's lanky.
He likes dried apricots.
His elbows crack.
He has a vast collection of hoodies.
He can play piano but can't listen to classical music.
He volunteers at the local hospital.
His eyes are usually BROWN.
He moves with the grace of a baby giraffe.
He wants to control the way people see him.
He wants you to subscribe.

Luke! said...

Dale removed the fine print from his title... *does not denote the regularity of posts ...or something along those lines. Dale is far too lazy for that :P

...who am I to judge? I left my blog for like 2 months untouched!

Jimzip said...

New post! New post! New post!

Haha. I kidd, post in your own time. Just add the aforementioned disclaimer to your blog title. ;)

Jimzip :D

Jesicka309 said...

Life without foxtel can't be that bad....

I've survived so far, with no real damage.

Anything really good eventually gets filtered down to free-to-air

Like Gossip Girl....saw the first ep on channel 9 on wed night....I think I'm hooked already!

Just think that your poor parents are saving money in these troubled times :p