
Mind Piracy

Yay! On Thursday I bought the only CD that's release I've been excited about in recent times. Yeah, I paid money for it, and I physically bought it from an actual store (I use iTunes but don't buy iThings yet), because I'm not a pirate! It felt like the right thing to do since I was given this band's two previous CDs for free from my friends, and listened to each of them on high rotation. I'm listening it in right now. I had such high expectations that I think I was bound to be a little disappointed initially. Hoping it'll be a grower.

I was going to tell you the name but I suddenly feel playful and don't think I will just yet. Perhaps I'll hide some clues in here... No doubt I'll probably just reveal it in the comments because my clues are always way too subtle. Life Is Not A Waiting Room, you know? And Senses Fail sometimes... :)

Luke showed me a doco called Jesus Camp last night. And it's just too difficult not to blog about it. I'm not sure if you have secret blog-inspiring motives Luke, but I always seem to watch something interesting at your place that makes me feel like writing... Anyway, I'm not going to speak ill of religion because that's not my place. I will say that Jesus Camp, about evangelical Christians in the US imposing their beliefs onto their children, made me feel very thankful for the childhood I had. For having the opportunity to form my own opinions about the world and what I would stand for as being moral or right.

These kids were preached to over and over about giving their lives to Jesus Christ and creating an America that was consistent with their faith. It looked a lot like brainwashing, or mind piracy. From their speech patterns it was clear that they were just regurgitating what their heads had been filled with. Childhood should be carefree. Not filled with attending masses where without fail they'd cry for the sins of the world.

Perhaps the most scary thing that I learned from Jesus Camp was that some evangelical Christians' beliefs clash with democracy.

Driving home last night, listening to my new CD and contemplating freedom, I enjoyed thinking for myself. I don't know what I believe in really, when it comes to religion. I've always had a thing about re-incarnation, but that's another story. I guess I believe in free will and living in a way that you can be proud of yourself. And if you choose to believe in Big Foot, aliens, ghosts or... Peter Pan (shhh!) that's totally fine with me. :)



Paul said...

Its britney right?

Welcome to Creepy Lamingtons: home to a mix of strange stories and articles that hopefully won't leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. said...

Yep, your clues are uber subtle. :p

Glad the DVD inspired a blog. (Maybe I'm brainwashing you into writing...)

Like you, I wasn't really raised with any particular religious beliefs. I like the concept of reincarnation - simply because I can use it to justify my phobias. (I died in a plane crash in a past life!) And I can understand how religion can help people deal with tough situations - but so much of it just doesn't feel right or true to me.

I'm not sure where I fall exactly on the atheist/agnostic scale, but I do like this atheist quote from Joss Whedon(I know - I have issues :P):
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.

So, when in trouble I just ask myself: What would TV do? :)

Kyle said...

I'm always a little hesitant when talking about religion just because it's such a sensitive subject. Though, like Luke, I have to say I'm more agnostic/atheist.

A lot of the things they preach is just offensive, in my opinion. That said, I'm glad I live in a country where I can believe in whatever I want.

Though, you could go stir up some controversy when you start talking about where you draw the line between "hate speech" vs "freedom of speech".....

Soooo NOT going there. lol.

Kyle said...

PS Yay for a post!

*pats D's head*

Jimzip said...

Ah! Yes we had a little Jesus Camp evening over here a few months ago. Bunch of us watched it together, got all hot 'n bothered and started ranting for a while about how unethical some people's ethics are. Long story short, it's great for your blood-pressure!

But yay new post!

I have to say also, that I listened to Senses Fail a while back and found them too heavy for me (yes, call me a clip-on nose ring kinda guy if you must ;) ). I'm more of a Yellowcard / Jack's Mannequin / Morning Light / Mae / Anberlin / Starting Line person really. Hehehe.

It's funny, after posting that piracy entry I was going to do one about music and why it's so personal to people. I might still!

This comment is too long!

Too long! (Oh, and 'grestfel' today btw...)

Jimzip :D

Luke! said...

Mr Dale...
what an interesting topic!

I did have a religious upbringing, and I have to say, it was such a tame religious brainwashing that... I did get what many religious people argue are core moral values. That's all I received from being brought up Catholic...attending mass and the like. No mass I have ever been has ever preached hate, or what the church view as sins. I think perhaps I went to a progressive church that thought that we would just know when we sin, and thus would repent. They stressed that need, naturally, I rarely complied with that...

Many people view religion as a bad thing, that influence innocent minds into viewing the world as being full of sinners. Well, my religion, at least the way I was taught it, was not about marginalising sinners...or hating the sinners. I have never judged anyone on religious grounds, in terms of my own religion.

But yeah...getting a bit lengthy...I'll stop now :p

Dale said...

I know was heading into potentially dangerous territory with this post. And I really didn't mean to portray religion in a negative light at all. I'm glad that you guys realised I was blogging about my response to the video and how the content sat with me. That said, pretty sure I fall into the agnostic category too.

Good guess Paul.
Nice philosophy Luke. (And we've got to somehow organise for you to meet Joss!)
Thanks for the pat Kyle. Let's see how positive reinforcement works hey?
James normally a band like Senses Fail would be too heavy for me too. They somehow earned an exemption and a special place in my heart. Think maybe they had my teen angst working for them. :) I like Starting Line and Anberlin too (my friend just gave me several Anberlin albums and I'm very much liking.) And now I have Mae to look up!
Luke, it seems like your religious upbringing was executed in a much more ethical way than those on the video. I never really went to a mass, per se, and was very interested in going to one, at one stage...

Thanks all. :)
