
Chapter 16 – The Aftermath

Cindy watches Heath lie peacefully in the hospital’s bed. His white sheets and hospital gown make him look so angelic. She hears the systematic beep of a machine that does so every five seconds and stays in her seat. She looks at her watch; it’s been three hours now. Three hours that she’s been waiting by his side. But she would wait forever for him if she had to; it was because of him that she was still alive. “He’s so brave,” Cindy thought to herself, again.

She thought of the statue, which she had destroyed. She didn’t know how she never lost that ring. She’d forgotten about it when she’d first met Heath, that day he’d been the only thing on her mind. She didn’t know if destroying the statue was a great idea, but if there was a possibility that evil could be done, she supposed it was for the best. And of course, now that the statue had been destroyed, her power was gone. Just like Callie’s, Chelley’s, Amy’s, and Heath’s. She didn’t mind all that much. There was something not right about her power anyway, that rage was unnatural.

She thought of Mr. Hartono. He was probably in a jail cell somewhere, waiting for his court trial. Amy told her that he’d been denied bail. The world was now a better place, and it was thanks to her. She’d never imagined that something so extraordinary and amazing could happen to her. But it didn’t come without it's down sides. Her Mum gone, Heath seriously injured, and all the attention she’d been getting.

Things weren’t so bad for her though. She'd decided to move in with Callie, Chelley and Amy and she got on well with them. They are her family now and they’re the best family because they understand. They understand why she feels the way she does, does the things she does and most importantly, who she really is.

Callie recovered well from her injury, Amy told her so about twenty minutes ago. Cindy was glad to hear that. She was probably closer to Amy than the others, after a shaky start with her, they’d become really good friends, almost like sisters. But Heath was the one she was closest to.

Cindy looked at her watch again; it read 3/5/02 across the top. It was her birthday. She’d forgotten all about it. She’d lost track of time all together in the past few days.

How could her life take such a dramatic turn in so little time? It would make a good story to tell. Heath was stirring…

He opened his eyes a fraction; Cindy could tell that that was a huge effort for him. “Heath,” she called out his name.

“Cindy,” he was breathing heavily.

“Heath don’t talk if it hurts,” she advised him, caringly.

He smiled at her and she could see what he wanted to say in his wonderful eyes, “I love you too, Heath.”

“Heath you’re gonna be just fine. The doctor said so and…” she paused. “You don’t need to hear this, I’ll stop.”

“Go on,” he voiced fatigued.

“It’s my birthday today,” she informed him.

He looked at her so lovingly just then, and Cindy could tell he was about to do something, he was moving. “Heath, what are you doing? You don’t have enough energy.”

“Yes I do,” he told her. Cindy leant closer to him and he put an arm around her neck and pulled her slowly towards him. Their lips met and Cindy and Heath felt an unbelievable feeling of joy burst inside of them for those couple of seconds. Heath’s arm dropped back down again. He’d used up all of his strength. Cindy put it back underneath his blanket and ran her hand across his cheek.

After a few moments she whispered, “That was the best birthday present ever,” in his ear. She leant her head on his chest. It went up and down with its gentle rising and falling.



Dale said...

Tense issues aside, I think this was a satisfactory ending, if not a little rushed.

Thanks for humouring my Year 9 self. :)

Back to normal blogging now.

Paul said...

Yeah it was ok (ill let luke do what he does, he does it better then me), wonder what you think of it now? Does the perceived romantic attraction still remain?

Normal blogging really? Do you promise?

Anonymous said...

Now to do what I do better than Paul.

Wait a minute... Cindy has the same birthday as you. Is she code for you? Which would make Paul Amy and me Mr Hartono (Hello? Evil. Keep trying to tell you.)

As ever I remain very impressed you wrote this when you were 15. (Although I wrote Ashton X when I was 4 - just re-typing it from my finger paint notes.) Looking forward to now reading your present self's stories and blogs.

Accounting!? Hahahahaahaha

*Ok so I don't really dance better than Paul, but you got to give me cred for clever hiding of the disclaimer asterisk. :)

Anonymous said...

....I read the end, I thought it was a sex story haha