

So I've had hundreds of little thoughts over my period of non-blogging which have made me go "Ooh I should really blog about that," in an 'Honestly I do have a life' kind of way. However lists have never really done much for me, and therefore a lot has been forgotten. I would try to rectify this situation by making a list of things to improve on (ie. writing more lists) but nah mate... Nah. :)

The holidays are upon me! Not like straddling my chest / physically on me holding me down and... Okay where was I going with that? I have a car and it still goes and assists me in getting places. Not with getting the lay-dees though.... Yet. I've been working and earning money so I can do things. I worked on Monday night when it was hot city, with a capital city (hahaha, sorry sorry sorry). There were hundreds of bugs swarming outside my drive-thru window having mid-air orgies or getting high on light fixture. Every time I opened the window I would be assaulted and end up spluttering and being all pffft pffft pffft-like. Got well acquainted with the cheeses, assorted vegetables and ice cream syrup in the walk-in fridge.

Jury duty is on my mind. I don't think I have an issue with the actual process or what it involves, but the fact that it could coincide with my trip to Rye is a niggling annoyance. I thought being selected at 20 was pretty bad, but one of my brother's friends who turned 18 in September got called up too. Perhaps if I act all angry and disagreeable when the jurors are being selected I'll be... whatchamacalled... challenged, and sent home. Now, to practice my angry face. Grrr!

So far these hols... Had a visit from Elliott, my friend from Queensland. Went up Eureka Tower, 88 levels, and was tempted to msg everyone I knew and say "I bet I'm higher than you right now." Good thing I don't really have any druggy friends. Also went to the casino a couple of times. Was tempted by blackjack and texas hold em on the virtual tables again but refrained. Not even one poker machine did I insert my coin into. So good. *readjusts halo* :P [yeah so what if I stole it Brenton, I saw no copyright!]

Beached on Sunday, burnt back but it's faded quickly into a splotchy uneven tan. Not sure what's worse! Why did no one lotion my back?? Grr at Dave & Jayme and etc.

Saw a bizarre movie with Paul yesterday entitled 'Gabriel'. Purgatory. Angels in human form. Guns. Loss. Loyalty. Love. Good triumphing over evil through numerous murders. Perplexing I must say. Dialogue was almost laughable, but some scenes were shot really well. Especially one where gun shots illuminate the otherwise darkened room and you only see flashes and yeah I can't explain very well but it was cool. Inspired me in a weird way.

Today I saw Kiel for lunch, then went round to Jess' place for a swim/barbeque/wii. There were super-soakers and inflatable dolphins. An undeniable recipe for fun. Poor Rach took a lot of it in the face. Oh the trauma.

So yes, keeping busy and enjoying my days. Even if my nights are uncomfortable because of back burnage.

This has been a live Daley News update from the recesses of Dale's mind.

Until next time, I'm Dale Stephens, and don't you forget it!


Paul said...

"straddling my chest" vivid, and now i need to take a shower. Yet when trying to describe the movie scene we fall far short, perhaps from grace.

Cory sign out :)

Paul said...

Ha thought you got another comment, nope just me come to fix my spelling, na i don't care.

Anonymous said...

Brenton might not have copyrighted the halo, but I sure had. Cheques and credit card accepted.

Jesicka309 said...

Thanks for reminding me who u r dale! haha
u gor called up for jury duty?? thats gotta suck! have fun with that lol
luv jess