


It's 11.38pm on Tuesday the 22nd of August 2006, and I'm writing my first ever Blog. Like you (assuming people actually read this!), I'm wondering exactly why I'm doing it too. To be honest I'm not sure. I mean I know there were a few influencing factors (some of them people) but yeah not entirely sure at this stage. Maybe I'll find out as I do more and more of these. Make that if I do more and more of these. I have a habit of not following things through properly sometimes. A bit of not-so-gentle shoving in the right direction will generally get me back on track though, so feel free to threaten me somehow if I dont do a post for a while. Threats of physical violence generally work, so too a lot of other things actually. So yeah, all you bullies out there (or non-bullies who feel like releasing their inner-bully) you're actually my friends in an ironic way, as you well help me to achieve my goals!

I just finished some accounting tute work actually. Well, I only did a half-assed effort, but that's better than a non-existent one, which has been the case quite often for me over the last few weeks. I'm studying commerce at Monash University. I struggle to find motivation sometimes. Admittedly, I find the course content dull to say the least. Thankfully I've been blessed with a high tolerance for uninteresting things. Wait, based on that maybe I should be an accountant after all! Haha nah, I cant see myself doing that kind of thing. Then again I cant really see myself doing any kind of realistic thing (unrealistically I still want to create/write/star in a successful TV show that takes the world by storm!). For now I'm just happy to be skating through and somehow passing everything. Stupid brain.. Figure out what you want! Im open to suggestions though, whether you know me or not. Seriously, help me out people! From garbologist to rocket scientist (not trying to insult the intelligence/importance of garbos.. I'm sure there are some quite intelligent ones out there), send us your ideas. Lines close in about 5 years, so hurry!

Gonna read and then sleep now, but it was nice letting you get to know me a little. Hopefully I havent been as boring as certain boring things that I can't think of at the moment.

Look forward to letting you get to know me better as I try to understand myself a bit better too.



Anonymous said...

Phew! I made it with 4 years to spare. I think you should quit the commerce course you're studying and enroll in a writing course at Deakin. :)

Paul said...

So i decided to comment on a different post as my last one wasnt recieved entry in the context i intended.

Today ive actually gone back (once again) and read through the entirety of your blog, post for post.

It really is a chronicle of your life. I can pick out all these events when they happened by what was said in the post. Even though the post never explicitly mentioned anything about it.

My favorite remains "A flashback...", im my opinion it is possibly the most interesting thing you have ever written. You could tell that your writing skill set had vastly improved because of your schooling, and could defiantly see myself wanting to read a book written by you in that style because the writing seemed to come so easily for you.

So im critical, and maybe in the context of this post a "bully". But you said yourself you need to be pushed. Your dream is to be a writer, i have always admired you for going after that, but what im asking is are you really pushing yourself to follow that dream?

You were always saying i want to sit down and write my book when i get time. This was three years ago. Im hoping that working with luke and james will re-inspire you to want to push your writing to become the best that you can be.

I said in my previous comment to "stop living for mediocrity". To grow and develop you need to challenge yourself. Pushing yourself beyond your current limits.

Since you like to copy and paste i thought i would too:

"But there is hope for us all, a shining glimmer of light has broken forth from our depths of gloom, exceeding expectation as he rides a star to which we should all aspire. Abandoning reason and notions of self inadequacies his strength and courage of conviction to accomplish his dreams is something I shall always envy."

I believe in you dale, i always have. I just want to know that you do too.

Till next we meet,