
Study, Tennis, Thanks & Buses


My run of consecutive daily posts ended yesterday. The reason for this was because I had uni from 10-6, and then spent most of last night studying for that macroeconomics mid-semester test I've mentioned that's on tonight. It starts at 6.50 (my brain will be dead by then most likely) and goes until 8.00. I thought Id do a post before I leave for uni, so that my mind gets a break from Aggregate Supply Curves, Interest Rates and Labour Productivity. Dont know how many classes Ill actually go to today (still not fully prepared yet, and have already missed a Business Law tutorial), but I figure if I need to ask questions it would be easier if I was at uni and not at home.

Now I owe some thanks to the people who were messaging me last night - if it weren't for them I' probably be in an economics induced coma, rocking back and forth constantly muttering words like 'expenditure multiplier' and 'net present value'. So thanks Kate and Adam, you kept me as sane as possible. See? Be nice to me and you get a mention on my blog! In that case I guess I should also thank Jamie for his blog comments, it's good to actually know that someone thinks enough of these to make the effort to comment. You rock dude.

So if I did blog yesterday it would have been about tennis on Monday night. We lost... again. Its annoying though because we have so much potential. We could easily have won the majority of our matches but things just dont quite come together properly on the night. I lost with Luke in a nail-biting tiebreaker (8-10), won with Vanessa 6-2, and lost with Lauren 3-6. The fact that our opponents are generally rather old is also a little aggravating, but I have learnt something from this. Old people can be crafty! They're constantly surprising me with their antics and un-stereotypical behaviour.

Lost my wallet for about 20 minutes after tennis on Monday night too, thankfully I found it in the carpark when I returned. Got quite stressed in the meantime though! Amusingly mum began to fret, saying "oh no, well have to get the locks changed if you dont find it." I could imagine her pacing anxiously while I went to go look for it. Good old mum!

So it's time to leave... And Im a bit worried still. Stupid nerves! Thanks for wishing me well everyone, I know I'll be in your thoughts. :-P

Hope to see those of you I haven't seen for a while soon. And for those of you who I don't know or haven't met, hope everything's going really well for you (and keep reading my blog!).


To the bus stop I go!

Dale. (A bit frazzled)

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