
Three for Three

"3 blogs in 3 days??" you ask incredulously.

"Yes." I reply.
"Ok.." you respond, wondering if I have a life at all.

Wassup homies?

I do have a life, it's just that this has become a part of it lately. I'm liking it a lot. Possibly because I have myspace friends now! Go Dale!

Was thinking about what kind of post to do... I had one lined up that was a bit more exploratory, but I figured two of those in a row would be too much, so I'll do it next time. Bet you ANY money that I'll forget what it is when I go to write about it next time.

But anyway, I'm at uni again, just had a Business & Economic Statistics tute (if you're wondering, it's about as riveting as it sounds), and am about to head off to the lecture at 1.00. The lecturer is a new one, and he's a little bit imposing, loud etc. Which is good, because it actually makes the lectures semi-interesting when he threatens to kick somebody out. :)

Goin to the gym this arvo when I get home. Joined up about 2 months ago to try and become less stick-like. It feels good that I'm doing something to improve myself. I've had help motivation & training-wise from Steve and Jamie (who went to school with me). They always do their best to make sure that I'm hurting as much as possible after each session ("tell your mum you love her cos you're gonna die of gym pain tonight dale!).. they're such nice people don't ya think?

Anyway, better head off. I'll try to find an interesting picture to add to this later.

Until next time!

Oh and I swear I'll never say the words"wassup" or "homies" again. :)

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