

Hi again,

I know it was only last night that I did my last blog, but I just found out my Business Law tute has been cancelled and I've got 2 hours to spare. So I'm at uni in the library, with the sound of people tapping on keyboards and hushed polite conversation surrounding me.

I figure everyone does a 'contemplative' post every once in a while, and I am in that kind of weird thinky mood that I sometimes get into, so I thought I'd give it a go. I'll keep it short 'n snappy.

Ok, here goes... I recently found out that someone I'm just getting to know (person a) knows someone else I know (person b), but I don't know how well they know each other... confused yet? :) This would be okay normally, except that person b and I have a strange relationship to say the least, and I'm slightly worried it might affect things between me & person a. I'm probably just being paranoid, but if a & b are close, it could change things (that I don't want changed!).

I guess what I'm trying to get at is; should the result/outcome of a previous relationship (and I use that term lightly) influence the course of a totally different one? Or should the new relationship be totally independant of it all, and taken for what it is? I think it's obvious that I have a somewhat biased view... But if you have any solutions/suggestions/answers to my ponderings could you please let me know?

Ok! Now that's over with, here are two more things to learn about me:
1) I play comp tennis on monday nights (and am up for the challenge of some healthy competition if someone wants to test their abilities against the next slightly less full-on lleyton hewitt)
2) 'Stratton' is my middle name. It's a family tradition thing. All of the men on my dad's side of the family have it; brother, cousin, uncle, grandpa. I used to hate it cos it was different, but now I actually quite like it.

That's all for now,



Paul said...

Who is person b?

Paul said...

do you still remember?