
Adjustments! You better like em....

I don't know how closely you've been paying attention to The Daley News but lately you might have noticed that there have been some changes to the little additional bits that are sometimes more interesting that my actual blog posts. Wow.. long sentence!

Anyway, I really didn't give you a chance to say goodbye to the sections Word of the Day (which I'm sure your vocabularies all benefitted from immensely :P), Stupidest Thing I've Done Lately (I've decided to limit my public humiliation for now), and (the sometimes not so) Amusing Junk Mail, but I figure none of you will be devastated by the loss of these things. And don't pretend to be.. I'm not that stupid anymore!

In their place I've decided to keep people up to date on stuff I've been doing or the things that have been happening in my life, that aren't quite post-worthy on their own. And for some comedy value I've introduced Not So Great Pick Up Lines! After a few weeks maybe people can vote on their favourite.

Oh and if anyone tries one of them out you HAVE TO let me know how it goes. I'll definitely mention it on here if you do. :)


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