
Looking Back... Memories from my 18th.

I only have a few vivid memories of my 18th birthday, although that's probably because I didn't have a party; I opted for money instead, which I think now was a mistake, but oh well! I have three memories in particular that are really special to me. And here they are!

To set the scene, I had just gotten back from a 3-day school trip to the AIS for PE about day or so before my actual birthday, and I was going out with Hayley at the time (had been seeing her for about 6 months by that stage). Anyway, the day of my birthday I had to go to school because I had a freaking accounting SAC to do!! Wasn't very happy about this, but it was out of my control. Although my accounting teacher did love me (he was my economics teacher too), and I reckon I could possibly have done something about it if I'd had a word in his ear, but decided that it wasn't worth it. From memory I think I did well on the SAC.. but I'm not entirely sure. But that's not important so it doesn't matter!

At the end of the day, I walked home from school, came home and chucked my bag down and took my shoes off. Mum asked how my day was and then suspiciously kept hinting that I go up to my room - "Go and... open your window to let some fresh air in Dale" or "Go and... hang up your blazer Dale". So I walked up the stairs slowly, wondering what the hell she was on (she has been known to light incense candles and drink herbal teas), but then my mind went elsewhere. Until I walked into my room! Stacks of blue and white helium balloons practically covered my entire roof, which made me go "woah...". And then, all of a sudden, my wardrobe burst open and Hayley sprang out at me, which made me go "WOAH!!". I was very surprised (and a tiny bit scared - issues with things jumping out of places at me lol) and it took me a while to get my breath and truly realise what was going on. I remember hugging and kissing her after a little and I think Mark & Mum were watching the whole thing smiling... well Mum was probably smiling, Mark may have vomitted once or twice. The balloons stayed in my room (even after they lost their floating abilities) for about two weeks. Anyway, Hayley gave me multiple presents, including a cool wallet that I still use today, and spent the rest of the afternoon with me (I think we went for a walk at some stage too). I think that this was such a special moment to me because someone really went out of their way to surprise me, and make me feel really loved. It was such a grand gesture in terms of what else I'd experienced from someone outside my family. And it made me realise how lucky I was that someone cared about me that much, and how wonderful life can be when you're surrounded by those who love you.

Another special memory was my dad's speech at the big family gathering we had in honour of my birthday (also at our house). It was really moving, because I always knew that he loved and thought highly of me, but to hear him say it out loud in front of the majority of my relatives was really touching. I got a bit emotional and hugged him while he was still talking... :)

The last one happened on the day after my birthday in Indonesian class at school. I got to class a little late, only to find that Bu (Mrs) Cook was the only one in the room. I was wondering where everyone else could have been (although there were only about 8 people in our class) when the door opened and they all walked in, singing happy birthday (in english :P). Tamara walked in last of all, and she was holding a birthday cake that she'd made herself at home. This also really made me feel great.. it wasn't often that I was baked for by people from school! It was just so unexpected (nothing like that had really happened on anyone else's birthday in my other classes) and yeah. I think I was smiling (with cake in my teeth) for the rest of the day. Positively beaming!

So thats it. I hope I have more wonderful surprises like those in the future. And that you too have had special moments like those!



Dale said...

By the way, ignore the crappy picture quality - taken with my phone. Also, that's after the majority of balloons had already fallen down.. that's how many there were!

Anonymous said...

atleast you remember your 18th ... I still don't know how I got home, or why I could speak italian

Paul said...

I’m surprised you remember that far back bad_intelligence...

Dale: hmm why do people like you so much? Grr Hayley took my idea, now what am i going to do next year!

How long did your mum have to bug you before you went up stairs? (Poor Hayley stuck in a closet....)

~shan said...

my friend's 18th was on the day of our formal so we surprised her with a cake and sparklers. random ppl who never spoke to us (some didnt even know who we were) came over to sing happy birthday just so they could have some cake.

gotta luv the cake stealers

Anonymous said...

Yes, I myself am a self-professed cake stealer Sharyn.

In a psych class, I ate nearly a quarter of this chick's mud cake that her friends gave her for her birthday.

In all fairness though, she did GIVE me the cake, so I suppose I didn't really steal it per say.

But I damn near ate the whole thing and I had no idea who she even was!

Actually, I still don't know who she is...