
Gym, Kung Fu, & the Binge

On Friday night I made 3 choices. They progressively became worse as the night went on...

Choice Number 1: Go to the gym - Excellent choice!

Decided to go to the gym at 6pm after I got home from uni (third time this week!). I saw Jamie there, who criticised me once again for using the machines too much and not the free weights, but meh, I do what I like. And I like to frustrate Jamie. :)

Choice Number 2: Saw the movie DOA - Average choice.

Rushed home from the gym because I told Kiel I'd see a movie with him at 8.30 (and pick him up at 8.15!), which gave me about 20 minutes to shower, eat something, and get dressed. Somehow managed to do all three plus say goodbye to mum, dad and younger brother, and not crash the car on the way to his house.

The movie was basically attractive females fighting with or against each other in this martial arts tournament (including Holly Valance who acted/fought credibly). There was the semi-plot of the villainous tournament organiser having an ulterior motive of course. Overall, it was mildly entertaining, and when it finished I felt like I had became some sort of black belt in karate - having the urge to do roundhouse kicks and whatnot. I know Kung Fu!

Choice Number 3: Drive all the way out to Krispy Kreme and proceed to eat numerous donuts - Very very bad choice...

This was semi-planned in advance. I'd never been, plus Kiel had vouchers and the urge to stuff his face with round doughy food, so we made the journey out to Narre Warren. I was reluctant to go, especially since I'd been to the gym a mere 4 hours before... Yet any of the wiseness that inspired the gym visit had obviously deserted me by that stage. So I went with the intention of only eating one or two; a fair compromise I thought.

However this was not the case. We got an assortment... and I ended up eating FIVE whole krispy kreme donuts!! Yes! Five! I'm not known for binge-eating... didn't think myself capable of it (I'm a really skinny guy, surprised 5 even fit inside me!)... and I'm still reeling as to what in the name of doughy-goodness possessed me to do such a thing. I came to the conclusion that Krispy Kreme, like the evil Kung Fu tournament organiser, is actually evil. I swear I felt rounder after leaving the store.

So those are my 3 choices.. I hope you can learn something from them to prevent a late night voyage to an evil food franchise from arising during your next outing.

Oh and I felt so bad for binge-ing, that I went for two 20 minute runs, one on saturday and one today, so hopefully my roundness has subsided.


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