
A Quickie.. or 8!

Another semi-serious post (they're the only ones I feel like doing at the moment :S), sorry to people who want entertainment!

First, I'm happy about something - I've started to build a bridge over a gaping crevace that had developed between me and this other person. We're talking again, and getting along again, and I couldn't be happier about it. If I'm stupid enough to let the crevace start to open up once more, for God's sake stop me JM!

Second, I've made a decision not to do something that I'd considered doing for a while. I realise that I can live with it for now, it's not that much of a burden (it's not a backwards step I promise). This decision has also eased my mind, and I should be a little less "serious posty" as a result! Yay for everyone!

Third, made a new friend, also happy about this as it means I'm kind of branching out into another part of the world. This person shall be referred to as Nicey of Nicetown.. because they're nice. :)

Fourth, my existing friends, I haven't forgotten about you, I've just been busy and want to see you all again really really soon to see what you've been up to. Maybe if you're at Famous tonight I might get a chance. Although I don't have a very loud voice so I might have to communicate through charades of interpretive dance... should be fun either way!

Fifth, thanks for being patient while I've gone all introspective.

Sixth, Rikishi is the coolest, and I hope I'm forgiven for calling you Rikishi. :)

Seventh, plan to get a haircut today. Also plan to get blonde tips in it. The mini-poll as to whether I should dye it darker resulted in a big fat no, so I figure I'll go the other way.

Eighth, until my next post (or until I see you next) goodbye!


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